R.E. Curriculum Year 6
6A |
In this unit children will be given opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the structure of the Bible and the forms of literature that are found in the different books. The children will be introduced to stories of significant people in the Old Testament. They will discover what some of these stories tell us about their relationship with God. |
This unit builds on the Old Testament units from Year 4 and the work on the Passover in Year 5. It also provides a foundation for work on the Sacrament of Confirmation when we consider God’s call in the lives of Christians today. |
Research and referencing skills, writing skills, speaking and listening group work, thinking skills. |
Proverb, prophet, prayer, parable, commandment, Moses, Esther, Exodus, Israelite, Old Testament, New Testament. |
6B |
In this unit of work we consider the call of the disciples by Jesus. The children will learn about the demands that the call of Christ placed on these first disciples and they will think about ways in which people answer the call of Christ today through the life of the Church. |
This unit builds upon previous work in Key Stage 1 and in Year 4 about discipleship. It will also help to support children who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of |
Research skills, thinking skills, writing for different audiences, group work, speaking and listening. |
Disciples, call, vocation, Body of Christ, discipleship. |
6C |
In this unit the children will be given opportunities to develop their knowledge and understand of the two parts of the Season of Advent. A time to prepare for Christ to come again and a time to prepare to celebrate his birth at Christmas. Through some Parables of Jesus and some of the prayers and hymns of the Church they will explore these themes. |
The unit builds on a lot of previous work in Year 4 and in Year 5 when the two comings of Christ were explored. |
Writing skills, ICT skills, discussion, researching information, group work. |
Parable, Advent, second coming, watch, pray, stay awake, Emmanuel, Rod of Jesse. |
6D |
In this unit of work the children will explore the story of the birth of Christ from the Gospel of St. Matthew and the Gospel of St. Luke. They will also learn about some images of Christ that are found in the Prologue to the Gospel of St. John. |
This unit builds on previous work in Key Stage 2 about the story of Christmas. It provides children with an opportunity to bring together their learning about the events of Christ’s birth. |
Research skills, recording information, speaking and listening, writing skills. |
Matthew, Luke, John, Prologue, Word Made Flesh, Christmas. |
6E |
In this unit the children will learn about the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. They will explore the signs and symbols of both these Sacraments |
The unit builds on the previous work in Year 4 and Year 5 about Baptism and Confirmation. It will provide an opportunity for the children to bring together their knowledge of the symbols and actions associated with these Sacraments. |
Sequencing skills, referencing and researching information, interpreting symbolism, writing and discussion skills. |
Baptism, Confirmation, anointing, Oil of Chrism, Baptismal Promises, laying on of hands, Baptismal name, Confirmation name, parent, God parent, sponsor. |
6F |
In this unit of work children will be given some opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of prayer, fasting and almsgiving as important Lenten activities. They will examine the teaching of Jesus about these things and think about why they might be important activities for Christians today. In this unit children will also explore the Church’s teaching on the forgiveness and God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. |
The unit builds on work completed in Year 5 about Lent as a season of change and growth. It also builds on some previous work completed on the sacrament of Reconciliation throughout Key Stage 2. |
Speaking and listening, group work, research skills, empathetic writing, drama and role-play. |
Prayer, fasting, almsgiving, Lent, Abraham, Samaritan, Pharisee, Sadducees, CAFOD, Examination of Conscience, absolution, penance, mercy, forgiveness. |
6G |
In this unit children gain a greater knowledge and understanding of the traditional prayers of the Church and some of the signs and actions associated with prayer. They will also study some prayers that are found in the scriptures and engage in the study of the Mass as the central prayer for Catholic Christians. The unit will be concluded with a study of some customs of prayer in other |
The units builds on many previous units where children have reflected on different styles of prayers and signs and symbols associated with prayer. |
Research skills, ICT, dance, music, publishing skills, interpretation of actions and symbols. |
Prayer, traditional, Parable, Psalm, Magnificat, Eucharist, Mass. |
6H |
In this unit the children will learn about the passion of Jesus from the events that took place in the Garden of Gethsemane through to the death of Jesus on the cross. They will find out some reasons why Christians have described the death of Jesus as a sacrifice. |
This unit builds on the Holy Week work from Year 5 when the children learnt about some of the reasons why Jesus was put to death. |
Discussion, reference and research skills, speaking and listening, writing skills. |
Gethsemane, suffering, death, servant, sacrifice, cross, Isaiah. |
6I |
In this unit the children study the story of Easter from the perspective of Thomas. The work contained in this unit will require them to think about reasons why Thomas did not believe in the Resurrection of Christ at first and why people today believe that Jesus is risen from the dead. Children will also learn about Easter and the promise of eternal life. They will be introduced to some associations with Baptism |
This unit builds on children’s previous learning of stories of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead. It also builds on Year 5 work about Baptism at the Easter Vigil and the concept of dying and rising to new life in Christ. |
Thinking skills, discussion skills, speaking and listening, empathetic writing, interpreting symbolism, reference skills. |
Resurrection, doubting, faith, belief, eternal life, “My Lord and my God”, Baptism, funeral, |
6J |
In this unit the children will learn about two stories from the New Testament about the coming of the Holy Spirit. Through their study of the Sacrament of Confirmation they will learn about the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit and how they are important in the lives of Christians. |
The unit builds upon previous work on the Sacrament of Confirmation and upon the story of Pentecost. |
Research skills, discussion, ICT skills, group work, writing for different purposes, interpreting symbolism. |
Pentecost, Acts of the Apostles, Gifts of the Holy Spirit and Fruits of the Holy Spirit and their associated vocabulary, wind, fire, breath. |
6K |
In this unit of work the children will learn about the foundations of the life and teaching of the Catholic Church being rooted in the life and teaching of the Apostles. The children will learn about the role of the Pope and local Bishop in the life of the universal and local Church. They will also explore the life of the local parish community where the faith of God’s People is nourished and celebrated. |
This unit builds on previous work in Year 5 about the teaching role of the Apostles. It also supports other units of work concerned with the Sacrament of Confirmation. |
Research skills, writing skills, speaking and listening, interpreting symbolism, ICT skills, thinking skills. |
Apostle, preaching, teaching, Pope, Archbishop, priest, parish. |
6L |
In this unit we explore some of the Church’s beliefs about the Blessed Virgin Mary and the feasts that are celebrated in her honour. The children will consider why her role in the life of Christ was so important. Children will also learn about Mary and the saints being united with Christ in heaven. They will explore devotions and prayers in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints. |
This unit builds on lots of previous work about the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the lives of the saints. |
Research skills, discussion skills, writing skills, thinking skills. |
Mary, saints, Immaculate Conception, Our Lady, Assumption, Litany of the Saints. |