R.E. Curriculum Year 3
3A |
This unit involves the children exploring the different groups to which they belong. Through the theme of belonging they will study the Sacrament of Baptism as a |
The unit links with previous work in Year 1 and Year 2 about Baptism and the celebration of Mass. |
Group work, discussion, thinking skills, reading skills, empathetic writing, interpreting symbolism and sequencing skills. |
Belonging, Church, Sacrament, Confirmation, Mass, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick. Holy Orders, Marriage, Font, Water, Oil of Chrism, White garment, Baptismal Candle, Parents, and God-parent. |
3B |
This unit involves the children exploring human choices, the consequences of sin, Christ’s teaching on forgiveness and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. |
Where the unit fits in The Unit builds on previous work undertaken in Year 2 about forgiveness and the experience of being forgiven. |
Group work, discussions, thinking skills, research skills, sequencing skills. |
Choices, sin, reconciliation, forgiveness, change, penance, absolution, act of contrition, |
3C |
This unit involves children looking at Bible stories of the Annunciation and Visitation. They will explain how Mary and Elizabeth prepared to welcome and recognise Jesus |
Where the unit fits in The unit links to previous work in Year 1 and Year 2 on the story of the Annunciation. |
Group work, discussion and speaking and listening skills, research skills, empathetic |
Annunciation, Mary, Elizabeth, |
3D |
About the unit In this unit the story of the shepherds provides a focus for children to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ and who he is. |
The unit builds on previous learning of the story of Christmas. |
Discussion skills, group work, empathetic writing, research, map reading, interpreting symbols. |
Amazed, shocked, surprised, Christmas, shepherds, angels, Christ, Saviour, Lord, crib, |
3E |
This unit involves the children in thinking about listening and finding out about the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. Through this topic they will explore the value and the |
The unit builds on previous work on the Mass in the Belonging theme and also in the Year 2 unit on the Mass. |
Listening skills, thinking skills, interpreting symbols, sequencing skills. |
Listening, hearing, Liturgy of the Word, Old Testament, Responsorial Psalm, New Testament, Gospel. |
3F |
The unit is designed to help the children appreciate that during Lent Christians resolve to change and try to become more like Christ. The children will be introduced to new Gospel stories about Jesus bringing change into the lives of people he encountered. |
The unit builds on prior learning from Year 2 when we considered Lent as a special time to seek God’s forgiveness and offer it to others. |
Discussion skills, thinking skills, letter writing, Bible research, prayer writing, interpreting |
Lent, change, miracle, Widow of Nain, paralysed man, Ash Wednesday, sorrow, forgiveness. |
3G |
This unit involves the children learning something about the prayer life of Jesus. They will examine and reflect on some |
The unit links with previous work on prayer in Year 2. |
Thinking skill, reflection skills, interpreting symbols, reading skills, research skills. |
Prayer, Cross, Candles, Church building, Blessed Sacrament, holy water, confession, statues, genuflection, sign of peace, sukkot, Psalm. |
3H |
The unit is designed to help deepen the children’s knowledge of some of the events of Holy Week and to deepen their understanding of the foundation of the Church’s celebration of the Mass. |
Where the unit fits in This unit builds on the units from Year 1 and Year 2 where children studied Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday as part of their Holy Week work. |
Thinking skills, research skills, empathetic writing, report writing, word association skills. |
Holy Week, hosanna, Palm Sunday, Last Supper, Mass, Eucharist, Breaking of the |
3I |
This unit explores the Story of Easter through the Story of Emmaus and the Story of Breakfast at the Shore. It is designed to help the children realise how the Apostles |
Children will have studied the theme of Easter throughout Key Stage 1. This unit will also prepare the children for future Topics on the Eucharist in Year 3 and Year 4. |
Discussion skills, role play, reference and research skills, speaking and listening, empathetic writing. |
Easter, Emmaus, resurrection, breakfast, shore, breaking of bread, Eucharist. |
3J |
In this topic the children are provided with opportunities to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. They will think about why this is such an important celebration in the life and worship of Catholic Christians. |
Where the unit fits in The unit builds on previous work about the Mass in Year 3 and also some work in Year 2 about the Liturgy of the Eucharist. |
Interpreting symbols, group work, research work, empathetic writing. |
Liturgy of the Eucharist, thanksgiving, bread and wine, sacrifice, resurrection, Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Body of Christ. |
3K |
In this unit children learn about the gift of the Holy Spirit and the change it brought to the lives of the Apostles. They will think about the presence of the Holy Spirit in the |
It builds on previous work in Key Stage 1 about Pentecost and lays important foundations for work in Year 4 and Year |
Discussion skills, research skills, reading skills, writing skills, thinking skills. |
Pentecost, Apostles, change, Holy Spirit, Sacrament, Baptism, Eucharist. |