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St Joseph's Selly Oak

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - Kings Norton, Birmingham

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R.E. Curriculum Year 2







This unit is designed to give children some insight into the stories and the characters of the Old Testament. It will also introduce them to important images of God found in the scriptures.

This unit builds on previous learning in Reception and Year 1 about the Bible being filled with important stories about God.

Teamwork, group discussion, empathetic writing, speaking in role, sequencing text, Psalm writing.

Old Testament, Bible, Jewish, Hebrew, Word of God, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jonah, David,
Daniel, Psalm.


This unit is designed to extend the children’s knowledge and understanding of the life of Mary and Jesus and the call of the disciples. They will also learn about some saints who have responded to the call of Jesus. They will also be introduced to the prayer of silence as an opportunity to spend time with God.

This unit builds on previous learning in Year1 about the followers of Jesus and how Christians share his life today.

Group discussion, empathetic writing, sequencing, observing religious art, role-play, sitting still, speaking and listening, mind
mapping, brainstorming.

Mary, Jesus, Joseph, Cana, disciple, call, Rosary, Immaculate Conception, Assumption, Saint, silence.


This unit is designed to develop children’s knowledge of the time, symbols and characters of the liturgical Season of Advent. It will focus on Advent being a season of preparation for Christmas through the story of John the Baptist and parish activities.

Builds on previous learning about Advent in Year 1 about waiting for Jesus to come.

Group discussion, observation skills, role-play, thinking, research, ICT, prayer writing.

Advent, preparation, Advent Wreath, Season, Prophet, Emmanuel, Zechariah, Elizabeth,
John the Baptist, Messiah.


This unit is designed to help the children reflect upon the journeys associated with the Christmas story and what these journeys eventually tell us about Jesus’ birth and the way people respond to his birth.

This unit builds on previous learning in Year 1 of the story of the Annunciation.

Group discussion, map work, thinking, imaginative contemplation, writing, role-play, recording information in different ways.

Annunciation, Angel Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jesus, invitation, wise
men, Herod.


This unit is designed to develop the children’s understanding of Jesus’ parables and miracles. Through these they will develop a greater understanding of who Jesus is and what his ministry was.

This unit builds on previous learning in Year 1 about parables and miracles, and the Sacrament of the Sick.

Group discussion, group research, prediction, thinking, interpreting symbols, role-play,
brainstorming, recording information in charts, diagrams, interpreting.

Parable, miracle, Sacrament of the Sick, Oil of the Sick.


This unit is designed to develop children’s understanding of the Liturgical year as a celebration of the life of Christ. The
children will also learn about Baptism and Marriage as special sacramental celebrations.

This unit builds on previous learning on Seasons of the Church year and the Sacrament of Baptism.

Groups discussion, ICT, interpreting symbols, interpreting customs, role-play, writing prayers.

Liturgical year, Advent, Christmas, Ordinary time, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Custom,
Symbol, Baptism, Sacrament, Oil of Baptism, Marriage, Commitment, Promise, Vow.


This unit is designed to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the Season of Lent and the importance of the theme of forgiveness during this time.

This unit builds on previous learning about forgiveness in Year 1.

Group discussion, observation, text level work, empathetic writing, thinking, letter writing,
interpreting symbols, role-play.

Lent, forgiveness, Ash Wednesday, parable, shepherd, sin, reconciliation, confessional,
Our Father.


This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the events of Holy Week.

This unit builds on previous learning about Palm Sunday and the Last Supper.

Group discussion, thinking, interpreting symbols, sequencing, research, empathetic writing, role-play.

Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Bethany, Jerusalem, Last Supper, Eucharist, Passover,
Jesus, Peter, Commandment, Crucifixion.


This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the stories of Easter from the New
Testament and of the symbols the Church uses to celebrate the Season.

This unit builds on previous learning about the story of finding the empty tomb and the symbol of the Easter Candle.

Group discussion, letter writing, art, thinking skills, brainstorm, interpreting symbols, imaginative contemplation, empathetic writing.

Easter, Resurrection, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Peter, Paschal Candle, Alpha, Omega, Easter
Vigil, Holy Water, Emmaus, Thomas, Doubt.


This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the story of Pentecost and of the activity and presence of the Holy Spirit. The unit also focuses on the way Pentecost is celebrated in the Church and Confirmation being the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit.

This unit builds on previous learning in Year 1 about the story of Pentecost.

Group discussion, thinking, brainstorming, empathetic writing, interpreting symbols.

Pentecost, Apostles, Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, Confirmation, Sacrament, Oil of Baptism, Oil of Chrism.


This unit is designed to develop children’s understanding of what it means to belong to God’s Family. In the unit we focus on the role of the parish and people with special
responsibilities. Children will also hear about the origins of the Church through the lives of the Apostles.

This unit builds on previous learning in Year 1 about the story of St. Peter and St. Paul and about special roles and responsibilities in the Church.

Group discussion, brainstorming, interviewing, researching, recording information, interpreting symbols, ICT, text level work.

Community, parish, Church, God’s Family, priest, reader, altar server, deacon, musician,
Peter, Paul, Damascus Road, symbol, role, responsibility.


This unit is designed to develop children’s understanding of the structure of the Mass and what is taking place. The focus will be on seeing Christ present when we gather, in
the Word and in the Eucharist.

This unit builds on previous learning about the Mass in the “Families and Celebrations” unit in Year 1.

Group discussion, observation, sequencing, music, ability to listen, interpreting symbols,
creating prayers, reflective writing.

Mass, gathering, listening, celebrating, entrance song, procession, lectionary, altar,
lectern, Holy, bidding prayers, Consecration, Eucharist.