R.E. Curriculum Year 1
1A |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s appreciation of themselves and the world around them as part of God’s creation. It also helps the children to reflect on the need to |
This unit builds on previous learning in nursery and reception of the story of Creation. |
Observation, sequencing, drama, song, psalm writing, prayer writing. |
Creation, Bible, Psalm, Harvest, St. Francis of |
1B |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of what it means to belong to, and celebrate as, a family. The unit will focus on the Mass, the |
This unit builds on previous work in Reception on celebrations and is a preparation for further work in Year 2 and Key Stage 2 about some celebrations of the Church. |
Discussion, recall of information, |
Family, celebration, Baptism, Mass, Sunday, Family of God, priest, deacon, procession, sign |
1C |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s |
This unit builds on previous learning on prayer in Reception. It is also the foundation for other units on prayer in Year 2 and Year 3. |
Thinking skills, recall of knowledge, prayer writing, psalm writing, group work, reflection, |
Prayer, God, praise, thank, psalm, |
1D |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s |
The unit builds on previous learning in Reception about Advent. |
Brainstorming, art, selecting preferences, group work, recording information, prayer |
Advent, Jesus, waiting, preparing, celebration, Gaudete Sunday, Rejoice Sunday, candle, |
1E |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus. The unit also develops the children’s understanding of the importance of the birth of Jesus through the events that happened before and after, and the impact it had on the people involved. |
The unit builds on previous learning about Christmas in Reception. It also builds on the previous unit in Year 1 about Advent as a time of preparation. |
Interpreting pictures and symbols, recall of knowledge, imagining, role-play, technology, |
Christmas, Annunciation, Mary, Angel Gabriel, Joseph, Nazareth, Bethlehem, inn, stable, |
1F |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the person of Jesus and his ministry as a teacher and healer. The unit will also develop their understanding of what Jesus’ ministry reveals to us about God, how the Church continues that ministry today in various ways and how Christians are called to follow the example of Jesus in their lives. |
The unit builds on a few stories that the children will have heard in Reception about Jesus caring for the sick and teaching people about God the Father. This unit also provides the foundation for future learning about parables and miracles in Year 2 and in Key Stage 2. |
Brainstorming, mind-mapping, drama, roleplay, recording information, discussion, |
Jesus, God, teacher, parables, Good Samaritan, Prodigal Son, the Lost Sheep, Jairus’ Daughter, Feeding of the Five |
1G |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the importance of forgiveness as a gift we receive and as a way that we can show love to others. The unit will also explore the choices that children make, that these can be good or bad and the consequences that arise from them. The unit will also develop the children’s understanding of the need to say sorry when bad choices are made. |
This unit builds on work in Nursery and Reception about saying sorry and asking for forgiveness. |
Discussion, imagining, role-play, questioning, hot seating, decision making, prayer writing, singing, art, interpreting symbols. |
Forgiveness, Prodigal Son, Jesus, choice, sin, consequence, sorry, sign of peace, St. Francis of Assisi, sign of the cross, stole, priest. |
1H |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of Lent as a time of change and of growing to be more like Jesus by following his example. In the unit the children will explore various aspects of Jesus’ message and ways in which Christians can apply these to real life situations. |
This unit builds on previous learning about Lent in Reception. |
Discussion, prayer writing, recording information and ideas, recall of knowledge, listening, being quiet, sitting still, technology, brainstorming, imagining, hot seating. |
Lent, Jesus, change, Prodigal Son, Zacchaeus, Jericho. |
1I |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the important events of Holy Week and how they tell of the last days of Jesus’ life on earth. |
This unit builds on previous learning about Holy Week in Reception. |
Recall of knowledge and information, role-play, recording information, art, matching, music, drama, thinking skills, sequencing, empathy, interpreting art, ICT, reflection. |
Holy Week, Jesus, Palm Sunday, Hosanna, Last Supper, bread, wine, body, blood, disciples, washing of feet, Stations of the |
1J |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the season of Easter as a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. The unit focuses on the importance of the Resurrection and its message. |
The unit builds on previous learning about Easter in Reception. |
Discussion, role-play, recount, sequencing, empathetic writing, questioning, interviewing, imagining, letter writing, art, interpreting symbols, technology, ICT, reflection. |
Easter, empty tomb, Resurrection, Jesus, risen, Alleluia, Easter/Paschal Candle, Alpha, Omega, Peter. |
1K |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of Pentecost as the fulfilment of Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit. The unit focuses on the coming of the Holy Spirit as a promised gift that brought about a change in the lives of the disciples and how we celebrate and receive that gift in our lives today. |
The unit builds on previous learning about Pentecost in Reception. |
Discussion, thinking, music, dance, drama, mime, writing, prayer writing, research. Pentecost, promise, Holy Spirit, God, Trinity, |
Pentecost, promise, Holy Spirit, God, Trinity, Jesus, disciples. |
1L |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the way in which, as Christians, we are called to share in the life of Jesus. The unit focuses on Jesus choosing and calling the disciples and how they are an example to us of what it means to be a disciple or follower of Jesus and share in his life. |
The unit builds on previous learning in Reception about prayer and stories of Jesus being with his friends. It will also serve as the foundation for more work on the Church |
Discussion, technology, recording information, research, recall of knowledge, writing, identifying preferences, map work, art, thinking. |
Jesus, disciple, Apostle, call, Peter, Matthew, New Testament, Gospel. |
1M |
This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of what it means to follow Jesus today. The unit develops the children’s understanding of how, as followers of Jesus, we belong to the Church and the different ways that the Church, and the different members of it, follow Jesus. |
The unit builds on previous learning about Baptism in Reception and the Mass in the Families and Celebrations unit in Year 1. |
Discussion, recall of information, interpreting symbols, brainstorming, questioning, research, thinking, art, ICT, map work, creating and interpreting tables. |
Holy Day, Jesus, Christmas, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Feast, Resurrection, Sunday, Mass, Baptism, Easter, Church, |