R.E. Curriculum Reception
RA |
Develops the idea of creation to include the children’s gifts and talents as God given. To know that the Bible is God’s book. |
Builds on the Nursery unit of God the Creator. Where children have not attended the nursery elements of the nursery unit need to be included here. |
Speaking, listening, observation, art, music, cutting and sticking. |
Bible, God, creation, gifts. |
RB |
This unit further explores family relationships within the context of caring for one another. Importance is placed upon the value of celebration. This is further developed by hearing about times of celebration Jesus shared with his family and friends. |
This unit builds upon ND, NE and NF. |
Drawing, speaking, listening. |
Mary, Jesus, Joseph. |
RC |
In this unit the children mark the time of advent, giving each week a focussed preparation activity. |
This unit takes the symbolism of the Advent Wreath to mark the four Sundays of Advent. |
Counting, revisiting. |
Advent, waiting, preparation. |
RD |
In this unit the children will hear the story of Christmas and will focus upon the birth in the stable and of the shepherd visitors. |
Follows on from RC. |
Sequencing, speaking, listening, role-play, empathy. |
Christmas, shepherds, manger, Bethlehem. |
RE |
In this unit the children learn about the church building being an important gathering place for God’s Family. They will be introduced to some of the important symbols and actions of the Baptismal Rite. |
The unit builds on previous learning in the Nursery about Baptism being a special celebration using water. |
Discussion, identifying symbols, speaking and listening, role-play. |
Baptismal Candle, Christian Name. |
RF |
In this unit the children will be introduced to the role of the priest as a special person in God’s Family who helps people. This unit also has a focus on the church building as an important place within the parish community. The children will also learn about a saint being an important person in God’s Family. In this unit they will also consider the help that Jesus gave to people when they needed it. |
This unit builds on previous work in Nursery about people showing love and care for others. |
Listening skills, interpreting symbolism, writing skills, role-play, drawing, writing prayers. |
Priest, church, help, care, God’s Family, Jesus, altar, candles, cross, statues, Bible, Mass, celebration, miracle, saint, sorry, Holy Communion. |
RG |
In this unit of work the children are introduced to some of the Church’s customs for the Season of Lent. Children will hear about Lent being a special time of prayer and a season when Christians try to follow Christ by what they do. They will also learn about Lent being a time of saying sorry and asking God’s forgiveness for things that they have done wrong. |
This unit builds on the introduction to Lent that some children will have experienced in the Nursery. |
Speaking and listening, role-play, interpreting symbolism, thinking skills. |
Lent, change, prayer, pray, choices, sorry. |
RH |
In this unit of work the children will learn about the last few days in the life of Jesus. They will be introduced to the story of Palm Sunday, The Last Supper and Good Friday. |
The unit builds on some early work in Nursery about Holy Week. It also serves to reinforce children’s understanding of the Sign of the Cross as a special sign for Catholics. |
Speaking and listening, role-play, dance, mime, drawing, painting, identifying symbols. |
Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Last Supper, Good Friday, cross, palms, sign of the cross. |
RI |
In this unit the children learn about the story of Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. They will be introduced to the “Alleluia” as a special Easter song and the symbol of the Easter Candle. |
This unit builds on children’s knowledge and understanding of the life of Jesus. It provides a basis for further work in other years on the symbols of Easter and further stories of post resurrection appearances of Jesus. |
Recognising and interpreting symbolism, listening, singing, sequencing skills, writing, |
Easter, Easter Candle, Resurrection, Alleluia. |
RJ |
In this unit the children will explore the story of Pentecost and the transformation in their lives after receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. |
This unit builds on some important foundational work in Nursery about the Holy Spirit coming to the apostles of Jesus in the form of wind. |
Listening, drama, dance, sequencing skills, empathetic writing, recognising and interpreting symbolism. |
Pentecost, Holy Spirit, fire, wind, sadness, happiness. |
RK |
In this unit the children will learn about some of the reasons why Christians pray. They will learn about some styles of prayer and be able to reflect on some of their experiences of prayer during the school year. |
The unit builds on children’s experience of prayer since coming to school. It also serves as a foundation for further work and reflection on prayer in Year 1 and Year 2. |
Listening, discussion, sitting still, writing, speaking and listening. |
Prayer, talking, praise, thanks, Our Father, Hail Mary. |
RL |
This unit has been designed to be used at different times of the year to enhance the work that has been done in the other units and to support children’s knowledge and |
Builds on many of the units in the Reception Year. |
Reciting prayers, moments of stillness and quietness, listening skills, group work, recognising and interpreting symbolism. |
Variety of prayer vocabulary. |