St Joesph's Catholic Primary School Badge

St Joseph's Selly Oak

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - Kings Norton, Birmingham

St Joseph's Selly Oak images

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025

What is the Pupil Premium? The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. The Pupil Premium funding is additional to the main school funding. The aim of the government is for this money to be used to close the gap in attainment nationally between disadvantaged children and other children. Each school is able to decide how the money they receive is spent.

How much money will the school receive this year?

The indicated amount of Pupil Premium funding for this academic year is £45,880

What does the school see as the main barriers faced by pupils at the school?

Many children face barriers to educational achievement in some form or other at any point in their school life. Here at St Joseph’s we have identified the following key barriers:
- Social, emotional and behavioural issues including for those children identified with medical diagnoses.
- Family issues – especially families who may need support engaging with education and other professional organisations.
- Family finances to develop experiential learning and aspirations.
- Where disadvantage is combined with SEN and disadvantaged children without SEN.
- Enrichment opportunities for all children. 

- St Joseph's will be using catch up funding to support children with gaps in learning as a result of school closures, however, appreciate that support offered with pupil premium strategies will always help close gaps. 

Pastoral Outcomes

All children at St Joseph’s are entitled and given enrichment opportunities supporting their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Through our pupil premium funding and subsequent spending strategy, children are accessing appropriate support, valuable resources, social opportunities and experiences irrespective of prohibitive factors that they may face outside of school. Additional pastoral support is offered through counselling sessions (via Anne Huggins, formally Zacchaeus Club)

Please click to see full DFE Pupil Premium Strategy & desired outcomes 

Overview of how we intend to spend the Pupil Premium, our reasons for this and how we will measure the impact? 

Planned Expenditure


Intended Impact

Zacchaeus Club (counselling service)

We have cited social and emotional issues above. Zacchaeus Club offers a 1:1 counselling service for children who have struggled with an issue and their parents and staff feel they would benefit from this kind of support.

It is difficult to measure this type of work. The counsellor carries out her own assessments of impact (including child and parent questionnaires) and, in collaboration with parents and staff identifies if the support needs to continue for each individual. This provision is a continuation from previous years and has been very positively received by children, parents and staff.

Attendance and trip subsidy

To subsidise enrichment activities for disadvantaged families, especially the Y6 residential trip to Whitemoor Lakes.

All children enjoy the enrichment provided by the school.

Additional resources to support learning

Look at opportunities such as book packs, library visits, and local trips.

Offer children the opportunity to have access to resources they may not access out of school. 

Equipment and resources for Outdoor Education

To provide additional resources/ clothing for children to use within Woodland Adventure area.

By the end of the school year at least all children in KS1 and 2 will be regularly taking part in Woodland Adventure activities, with families supported by the school purchasing clothing and equipment for the children.

Training for staff and families

To provide pastoral training and support for staff and opportunities for families.

Staff have training to support social, emotional needs of all children. Parents have opportunity to access external support, facilitated by school.

Parent Link Worker

To provide a link between school and home for families. To signpost families to other agencies and support during contact with those agencies.

No family feels isolated or left behind. They have a point of contact to discuss problems. Positive relationships are established.

Resources to support our learning hub


To provide a learning environment to support, nurture, develop children within school.

The new learning hub the school has built will be an environment to offer sensory support, technology, resources to develop children's social, emotional, academic progress.

Additional teaching hours

To lead on intervention and to provide small group teaching, across the school.

Positive progress and attainment for identified groups of children – especially those where disadvantage is linked to SEN and for those disadvantaged children without SEN.
SENDco/ SLT monitoring and supporting staff and children ensuring disadvantaged children are getting individual and group support needed to make positive progress.


This strategy will be reviewed during the summer 2025.