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- Parent Link Worker
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Parent Link Worker
I would like to introduce you to Gemma our Parent Link worker. Gemma works at St Joseph's on a Friday and her role is to support families. Our school link worker will provide a vital link between home and school, and an on-going contact as children move from school to school. The PLW can help with the following:
- Children who are experiencing difficult times or are withdrawn or anxious;
- Parents/carers experiencing difficulties with their child’s behavior;
- Families who are reacting to change, such as parental separation or bereavement;
- Parent/carers whose children are reluctant to attend school or have been excluded;
- Parents/carers who may need support on a wide range of issues or difficulties impacting on their family life eg., illness, domestic violence, disability, financial difficulties.
The PLW can also:
- Help with links between home and school;
- Support parents/carers at school meetings;
- Help parents/carers find their way through the education system;
- Guide parents/carers towards other sources of help, advice and support;
- Provide information on support groups for parents/carers.
You can contact our PLW by:
- Email: g.drummond@lumenchristi.org.uk
- Phone 0121 458 2458. Our School Office staff will be happy to pass your message.