- 14 Jan: 4:30pm Phonics workshop for Y1 Parent/carers in school - information was emailed to Y1 Parent/carers on the 17/12; please confirm if you are able to attend.
- 15 Jan: Closing date for Reception 2025 applications.
- 17 Jan: 9.15am KS2 Mass led by Y3 in school - all welcome.
- 24 Jan: 9.15am Whole school Mass led by Y5 in school - all welcome.
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School Council
School Council led Charity Work
Visit to the Council House
On the 14th June the School Council visited the Council House in Birmingham City Centre. They all enjoyed themselves and met the Lord Mayor.
Charitable Support
Do you have any old clothes or toys that you no longer need?
The St Joseph’s School Council are looking for donations like warm jumpers, blankets, toys and books for the children and women at Women for Hope. A charity which supports refugees. We kindly ask that these donations are in good condition.
We want to help others and make them feel safe and welcome.
MacMillan Cake Sale November 2022
Cake Sale and Non-Uniform Day Friday 10th May.
The school Council are organising a non-uniform day and cake sale to raise money for new wet play games. It will be held on Friday 10th May. Children should bring a donation for non-uniform and money to buy a cake at break time. We will also be running a competition 'Guess the weight of the cake' where children can pay 50p a go to guess the cake's weight. The closest guess wins the cake.
Donations of cakes would be gratefully received.
School Council Meeting Minutes 2023