- 10 Sep: 3:45pm - Y2 welcome meeting in the Y2 classroom - a chance for parents to come and meet the teacher and get more information about the Y2 curriculum.
- 11 Sep: 3:45pm - Y4 welcome meeting in the Y4 classroom - a chance for parents to come and meet the teacher and get more information about the Y4 curriculum.
- 12 Sep: 3:45pm - Reception welcome meeting in the reception classroom - a chance for parents to come and meet the teacher and get more information about the EYFS curriculum.
- 13 Sep: 9.15am KS2 Mass led by Y5 in school - all welcome.
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Our Faith
As a Catholic School, St. Joseph's aim is to create a religious and moral climate which will enable the child's Catholic faith to develop and mature. Also to promote and nurture the whole development of the child so that both educationally and socially the child can take a full and active part in their secondary education, and in society as a whole.
The School has a Pastoral Policy, and the basic aim is to promote the well-being of our children through the development of self-discipline, self-esteem, and an understanding and tolerance of others. This is done through a positive use of rewards for good work and behaviour. The School operates a House System, which helps to promote good work and good behaviour.
There are seven classes, and children are taught in mixed ability classes in their appropriate age group.
Formal Parents Evenings are organised on an appointment basis to discuss your child's progress, but also, informal contacts are encouraged to discuss any problems or developments that may arise. Therefore, parents are able to contact either the Class Teacher or Head Teacher about any matters of concern. Written reports about your child's educational achievements are sent home in the Summer Term.
Mass is held in the school hall every Friday morning. Fr. David Barry who comes from St. Joseph's and St. Helen's Catholic Church to celebrate these services with us. All year groups have the opportunity to carry out class Masses in their classrooms and lead Mass for their key stage or the whole school on themes that link to the liturgical year. In addition to this, each class puts on a class assembly for the whole school. Parents, Family and Friends are always welcome to attend these events.
Pupils in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Penance during the Seasons of Lent and Advent. Pupils are also welcome to attend Prayer Services at lunchtimes during Advent, Lent and also during the months dedicated to our Lady in October and May.
All pupils are placed into 'Houses' which are named after the following Saints:
- St. Clare
- St. Francis
- St. Helen
- St. Peter
Pupils have the opportunity to collect house points throughout the week which they can put on their year group 'House Chart'. Year 6 House Captains collect and total the number of house points each House has achieved each week. Every Thursday at House Assembly, the winning house is then presented with the 'House Cup'. At this assembly children also receive star of the week certificates.