St Joesph's Catholic Primary School Badge

St Joseph's Selly Oak

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - Kings Norton, Birmingham

St Joseph's Selly Oak images

St Joseph’s After-School Club
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Selly Oak Road
Bournville, Birmingham
B30 1HN

For those children not already involved in the After School Club attached is the exciting new information pack all about After School Club. The club has fun recreational activities including
  • Outdoor play (trim trail , Scooters ,sports, dressing up)
  • indoor play (Art /craft,iPad,Nintendo wii,board games,gym).
On a Wednesday and Friday the club also has two specialized clubs.
On a Wednesday we have a specialized dance teacher from Stardust Dance Academy. Each term the children have a show for the parents to watch. On a Friday we have a cooking session where chldren cook both savory and sweet dishes which they take home at the end of the session.
The After School Club is a fun  club where children can relax and play with their friends in a safe and fun environment . Please look at the information pack attached and if you are interested in registering please contact Chris Coley 
Chris Coley - After School Club manager
M: 07976724952