- St Joseph's Curriculum Intent
- Art
- Computing
- Design & Technology
- French
- Geography
- History
- Maths
- Music
- Physical Education
- Reading & Phonics Programme
- Religious Education
- Science
- Writing
- Read Write Inc Phonics
- SEND Information Report
- Link to Primary National Curriculum
- Reception - Curriculum
- Year 1 - Curriculum
- Year 2 - Curriculum
- Year 3 - Curriculum
- Year 4 - Curriculum
- Year 5 - Curriculum
- Year 6 - Curriculum
Year 3 - Curriculum
Dear Parents,
Below you will find the curriculum your child will be covering this Autumn term (2024). Not all subjects are taught each term but are covered throughout the year. As a result of this planner, you may be able to discuss the areas with your child or do research together.
Autumn Term
RE |
Literacy |
Numeracy |
Science |
PE |
Thematic Curriculum (includes: History, Geography, ICT, Music, Art, D+T and PSHE) |
Homework |
Maths missions Reading Spelling Sacramental Preparation Homework is given out on a Friday and should be handed in on Friday. |
Spellings |
Spellings are given out on Monday and tested on Friday. |
Year 3 Class Blog
23rd Jun
Hello and welcome to year 3’s Twitter takeover!
Well done children for leading a lovely thanksgiving Mass this morning. Thank you to our families and friends for supporting us.
We have had a fantastic afternoon celebrating our First Holy Communion. We showed off our dance moves!
We have been learning about the Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi. We created our own models inspired by the Sagria familia.
We had so much fun completing our final fitness assessment during our Wow Active session.
We have been solving problems about time in maths. We love a maths challenge!
In PRE, we have been discussing the importance of healthy living.
Thank you for joining us today. See you soon!
27th Apr
Hello everyone Year 3 have had a wonderful week and we are so excited to share what we have done with you all!!
In English this week we have been innovating the story of the Three Little Pigs, we have written the True Story of the Three Little Pigs.
In PRE this week we finished our unit about Dreams and Goals. We discussed the job we would like to do when we are older and the skills we need for that job.
In Maths we have started to learn about money and to help us understand money in context we had a special visitor from HSBC bank. Anne taught us how to spend our money wisely and how to plan a party.
Year 3 were very proud that St Joseph’s won the 2023 Smart Money Award!! What a great week it has been.
9th Feb
Hello! Welcome to year 3’s Twitter takeover. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been doing in class.
We have had lots of fun in P.E on the apparatus. We have been working on balancing and controlling our bodies.
We have been praying for the people of Turkey and Syria during this hard time. We have also been praying for anyone who has been impacted by this devastating disaster. We asked God to give people strength at this time.
We have been so busy in computing. We have been using PowerPoint to create slides.
We welcomed a lovely visitor from the RSCPA into our class. We explored the importance of recycling and how materials have an impact on the environment.
Thank you for joining us for our takeover! Year 2 will be here next week to show you their learning. 😄😄😄
1st Dec
Welcome to year 3 ‘Twitter takeover’. We can’t wait to tell you what we have been doing in school 😀
We have been enjoying our hands on maths sessions, helping each other to solve problems! 📏🧮
We love our creative writing, trying to be as descriptive as possible, self editing with our purple pen; we work hard on our wonderful handwriting too!📝🖋
We loved multicultural week, learning about other cultures and faiths and getting the chance to be creative
In our PSHE sessions it was great to celebrate each other. We had different partners and we shared gifts from God and talents we all have and love about each other ❤️
We are having great fun in our woodland adventure sessions this half term. We love making things and exploring the outdoor! 🧤🌎
We have welcomed the season of Advent in our classroom. A time to prepare for Christmas and the birth of Jesus. We got excited when we finally seen the Christmas tree in school!
We hope you enjoyed a sneaky peak into year 3. See you soon! 👐😊
Welcome to the year 3 ‘Class Blog’! We hope you enjoy a sneaky peak into our school day
We started our day with our guided reading session, followed by our English lesson exploring persuasive writing looking at the ‘dragon catcher’. We are proud of our hard work with our writing and presentation of handwriting!
We created art work linked to our persuasive writing. We love being creative and I hope you agree, we are a VERY talented and artistic class!
Our class saint this year is St Vincent de Paul. We picked him because of the compassion and humility he showed to others. We will offer prayers to him each day and hope he guides us this year. We researched and wrote fact files along with some more art dedicated to him
Finally, we had a great session during PE learning to rules to a new ball game called tchoukball (fun to play, hard to spell!). We loved it! Cant wait to learn more about this game in our next session