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St Joseph's Selly Oak

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - Kings Norton, Birmingham

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Year 2 - Curriculum

Dear Parents,

Below you will find the curriculum your child will be covering this Spring term (2024). Not all subjects are taught each term but are covered throughout the year. As a result of this planner, you may be able to discuss the areas with your child or do research together.

Spring Term


  • Christmas: I know the story of Christmas from the annunciation to the flight into Egypt. I will be able to trace the journey of Mary and Joseph on a map and understand some of the difficulties faced by Mary and Joseph. I understand why their journeys to Bethlehem and Egypt were important.
  • Parables and miracles: I know that Jesus was able to change things through miracles. I know how the Church carries on Jesus’ work of healing through the Sacrament of the sick. I know the parable of the talents and the message it gives. I know the parable of the Prodigal Son and the message it gives. I can write a simple parable of my own.
  • Lent and Holy Week: I know that Lent is a season of forgiveness. I know that Jesus taught his disciples to be forgiving. I begin to understand the meaning behind the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I know the story of Palm Sunday. I can recognise and link the words of Jesus at the Last Supper and the words used in Mass. I know the story of Good Friday.


    •  Recount

    • Diary writing

    • Information texts

On going

      Phonics/Spellings, Guided Reading, Grammar, Handwriting


  • Money: Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value.
    Find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money.
    Solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including

  • Multiplication and division: Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (x), division (÷) and equals (=) sign.
    Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts.

  • Length and Height: The children will use a variety of medium to explore measurement. They will compare length and height along with measuring accurately in cm and metres. They will also compare, and order lengths and problem solve.

  • Mass, capacity and temperature: In this unit the children will measure and compare mass in grams and kilo grams. They will explore capacity and volume in litres and millilitres. They will understand temperature and know how it is recorded.


  • Electricity: We will describe how electricity is a form of energy and create our own circuits. Children will identify the dangers of electricity.
  • Plants: Children will observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow to mature plants. Investigating and describing how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy


  • Team / Invasion Games: Improve and apply their basic skills in games, play games that demand simple choices and decisions on how to use space to avoid opponents, keep the ball and score points and think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition.

Thematic Curriculum

(includes: History, Geography, ICT, Music, Art, D+T and PSHE)

(includes: History, Geography, ICT, Music, Art, D+T and PRE)


  • Portraits: Describing and comparing portraits by Rembrandt Van Rijn and Picasso. Investigating the painting style of Cubism. Creating our own self-portraits based on styles and artists we have investigated.
  • Ancient Egyptian Art: Children will learn that in Ancient Egyptian times, art was a way of telling stories or passing on messages about lifestyles, beliefs and power.


  • Northern Europe: Locating the countries of Northern Europe on a map. Describing and comparing the physical and human features of Northern Europe. Investigating climate, migration and animals within Northern Europe.


  • The Tudors: This unit aims to deeper their understanding of how Britain in the past was ruled by powerful dynasties, where power was inherited and passed down through generations, predominantly through the male line. The powerful family studied here, the Tudor family, lived fascinating lives. Throughout the unit, the children will learn about each monarch and look at how they sought to shape England during their reigns (including the popularity of theatre in the Elizabethan era and briefly looking at exploration and empire)


  • Music Can Tell a Story
  • Music Makes You Move


  • Ten: Ten
    Three in one
    Beginning and endings


  • Reading
  • Maths Missions / Timetables Rock Stars
  • Spellings


Given out on a Monday and tested on the following Monday.

Year 2 Class Blog

14th Jun

Hello and welcome to year 2’s Twitter takeover!

We love to read! We read everywhere! We have been enjoying the sun.


In DT we have been working on our sewing skills. Look at our concentrating faces!


We have been looking at solids and liquids in science. We completed an investigation about ice and how it changes from a solid to a liquid.


We love P.E! We’ve had so much fun doing our lessons outside.

Thank you for joining us! Year 4 will be here next to share their learning.



20th Apr

Hello and welcome to year 2’s takeover! We have already been very busy! Check out what we’ve been doing. 😊

We started our week off by changing our altar cloth to white. We explained that we are in a the season of celebration because it is Eastertide.


In English, we have been using Talk for Writing to learn our new text ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’. We used lots of actions and expression to make our storytelling exciting.


We love to read! Miss Ganley has a special basket with books she recommends, we can always help ourselves to a good book. Check out our reading display it includes some vocabulary that we have been learning. We have also started our new class text ‘The Folk of the Faraway Tree’.


In Geography we have been busy studying The British Isles. We have been using atlases to locate the countries and capitals within The British Isles.


In personal and relationships education we have been discussing families. We discussed why families are important and how our families support us. We drew our families and wrote down how they help us. ❤️


We wanted to share our beautiful display based on our last class book ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. We did book reviews, poems and art work. We love to read!

Thank you for joining us today. Year 3 will be here next week for another fantastic takeover Thursday. 😊👍 



16th Feb

Hello! Welcome to Year 2’s Twitter Takeover! 

We have been super busy in computing learning how to log on and off the laptops. Next half term, we are looking forwards to doing some coding!

Today, we have been learning about The Holy Trinity. We used a shamrock to represent God as three in one. We have cut out our shamrocks ready to create a class display.

In science we have been learning about electricity. We have built circuits using wires, bulbs, batteries and switches.

Check out this independent writing! We have been writing diary entries. Look at the beautiful handwriting.

Year 2 have been busy planning and leading prayer and liturgy. Thank you children for being so considerate to those around the world.


Money is our current topic in maths. We have been adding coins and notes together to find a total. Check out the photos of some of the children who had ordered coins by their value.


Thank you for joining us for another takeover Thursday. We hope that you enjoyed looking at our fantastic learning.



8th Dec

Welcome to year 2’s ‘Twitter Takeover’! We are excited to show you how busy we have been.

We are enjoying preparing during the season of Advent. Dan and Emily are helping us prepare everyday for Jesus. Thank you


We have been busy in Design and Technology. We have designed and created a Christmas decoration and Christmas card for our families.


In maths, we have been using column method to add two 2-digit numbers. We love maths!


During our R.E lesson this week we acted our the story of ‘The Birth of John the Baptist’. We discussed the thoughts and feelings of Zechariah and used expression to tell the story to our friends.


This week we narrated the Key Stage One Nativity. We all spoke so confidently. All of our families and teachers were so proud of us.


We love reading! Check us out reading our class text ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.

Thank you for joining us for year 2’s ‘Twitter Takeover’. We hope you enjoyed seeing some photos of what we have been doing in school.



Hi! Welcome to Year 2’s ‘Twitter Takeover Thursday’.
We hope you enjoy seeing what we have been getting up to!

We have been busy taking part in the NCETM’s Mastering Number programme. We have been using the rekenreks to recap our number bonds up to 10. We use the rekenreks to help us see the number bonds.

In art, we have been studying the work of Paul Klee. Today, we focussed on the piece called ‘Three Houses’ and the use of geometric shapes. We were inspired! Check out our work!

We love to use technology! However, we understand that we must be safe when using it. In our computing sessions, we have been discussing who to talk to if we are ever unsure about anything.

We have loved celebrating The Season of Creation.

We hope you enjoyed year 2’s twitter takeover. See you soon!